Gasterosteus aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)


  • The figure above shows the distribution of cell number of each cell type in different tissues / organs.


  • The figure above shows the number and proportion of markers and potential markers of each cell type.
Created with Highcharts 9.3.2elavl3sncbsox3jagn1apcolceafoxc1amyoghsp90aa1_1plp1apou3f1ccna2nusap1myt1bsox11aangptl7col5a2acompepcamkrt4myh9acldn7bpax10alas2slc4a1anmt1btcf21col1a1asix7tnnc2olfml2bbslc2a15bdlx2bncf2sox10pecam1sox7apoa4acd9b图表导出菜单
  • The word cloud figure above shows the frequency of markers.


Dataset ID Species Tissue / Organ Experiment type Sample Source dataset ID Project ID
1. PRJNA797645 Gasterosteus aculeatus embryo baseline 70 hpf, whole embryo, untreatment SRR17665713 PRJNA797645

  • The figure above shows the distribution of cell number of each cell type in different datasets.
  • Click on the links in the table to view more specific information. Click on the cell type on the x-axis in the figure to browse the detailed information of the cell type.